Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Turn Our Backs

We moan and groan about how tired we are of what happens in our community. We claim to be bothered by the same 'ol same 'ol mentality from our leaders. We ask for help and are offended when we are turned away. We want to hang our city representatives by their toe nails on the drop of a dime yet when one of our own asks for help we turn our backs on him.

Not too many people know how it feels to be in real need and have people turn their backs on you when you don't know who to turn to. They don't know how it feels to not have anyone by your side when you feel so alone. I think this is one of those times where we need to listen more and doubt less. We as a community need to unite and stand up for what is right. We need to stop closing the doors on the possibility that there is a flaw in our system. After all no one is perfect.

This song has played in my head and in my heart many times. We all feel this way at some point of our lives. We feel like we have no one and are alone to take on the world. Lets work together and show each other that we are here for those who need us. Lets not give these people our backs, lets give them our attention instead. We might learn a thing or two.

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