Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What We Want For Christmas

Did you get what you wanted under your tree this year? Did you get the latest video game console, the newest camera, cell phone, MP3 player or any other multimedia gadget? Many people are so worried about giving and receiving insignificant gifts that they forget that there are people out there that ask for little things that most of us just take for granted.

Take little Alex for example. Alex Cisneros is the 5 year old little boy I wrote about a few months back who had a rare case of leukemia. He had asked to meet Shakira when she was in El Paso for a concert. Little Alex was not able to meet Shakira. He was out of town in a hospital receiving a bone marrow transplant the week of her concert.

It has now been about 77 days since Alex received the transplant. Doctors had originally told his parents that he would have to stay for at least 100 days so they could monitor him and make sure there were no complications.

This Christmas was different for Alex and his family since they are so far from home. Yet the family couldn't be happier because Alex has another chance at life. Alex didn't ask Santa Clause for a new bike or any toys this year. Alex told his father that he was going to ask Santa to let him go home.

Alex's transplant has gone so well that he is down to one visit to the clinic a week instead of the two visits the doctors had originally scheduled him for. He is full of energy and it seems nothing could stop him. The doctor's have told his parents that it looks like they will not need to stay the 100 days after all. I guess St. Nick came through once again. He is a very busy man and tends to come through on special cases like this.

So if you know someone who is complaining that they didn't get what they wanted for Christmas please share this with them. And remind them that there are many more stories like Alex's out there. Stories of people who ask for the simplest things like being able to go home and sleeping in their own bed.

This Holiday Season I ask that you please keep Alex and his family in your prayers.

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